Browsing Brage by Title
Now showing items 73-82 of 82
“Teknologiija lea lunddolaš oassin árgabeaivvis”: Sámegielat álgooahpahusa oahpaheddjiid jurdagat diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija oahpahusgeavaheami birra
(Master thesis, 2021)Dát masterdutkamušas čielggada maid Suoma sámiid ruovttuguovllu álgooahpahusa sámegielat oahpaheaddjit jurddašit diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija geavaheamis oahpahusas ja mo sii árvvoštallet iežaset digitála gelbbolašvuođaset. ... -
The Role of the Mass Media in Conflicts : Sámi reindeer herders balancing between traditional law and state law in a predator dispute against officials in Finland
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis is about reindeer herders’ untold stories and about the challenges facing journalists to do these stories. Focusing on the realized situation in the Giehtaruohtas area in Northwest Finland, the last years have ... -
Towards a More Equally Representative Visual Field : Research into the Social and Ethical Nature of Ethnographic Documentary Photography
(Master thesis, 2016)This paper addresses the nature of ethnographic documentary photographic practice concerned with goals of equal representation among the observed and the observer. Using examples from indigenous communities to reflect ... -
Tradisjonell kunnskap og forvaltning av sjølaksefisket
(Dieđut;2020-1, Book, 2020)Gjennom samtaler med sjølaksefiskere har dette prosjektet funnet frem til tradisjonell kunnskap i et stort geografisk område. Denne kunnskapen presenteres i fem kategorier. Prosjektet har ikke hatt ambisjoner om å dokumentere ... -
Vásihit báikki - sággon govat muitalit
(Master thesis, 2015) -
Vásihit, guorahallat, čiekŋudit ja oahppat: Oahpaheaddjit ja čiekŋalis oahppan sámegielfágas
(Master thesis, 2021)Dan masterbarggu fadda lea movt oahpaheaddjit sahttet bargat dan guvlui ahte dahpahuvva čiekŋalis oahppan samegieloahpahusas, movt sii rahkkanit oahpahussii oahppoplana vuođul ja čiekŋalis oahppama olis ja movt sin ipmardus ... -
Vulnerability of Frisian Media Services in Times of Change: Analysis of non-regulation and self-sustainability of public media for a People in the Netherlands
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis presents the regulation of public media services in the Frisian language and for individuals that identify themselves as a Frisian. It offers an analysis of how this regulation may be viewed in relation to ... -
Vuorašjávrái Goalssi geassit, Goddejoganjálmmeniitui meahccelájuide ja Lihkolašsiđgii rievssatgárddiid oahppat
(Master thesis, 2021)Dát lea mu mastergrádadutkamuš mas lean guorahallan Ávžži guovllu báikenamaid Guovdageainnu suohkanis. Mun lean báikenamaid bokte geahčadan dološ olbmuid luondduávkkástallama, resursaanu ja ealáhusaid semantihkalaš ... -
Working with Traditional Knowledge: Communities, Institutions, Information Systems, Law and Ethics
(DIEĐUT;1/2011, Book, 2012-07-04) -
Саами Кольского уезда в XVI−XVIII веках. Модель социальной структуры
(DIEĐUT;2/2008, Doctoral thesis, 2012-07-09)The Kola uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th centuries: Model of the social structure. The target of this research is to reconstruct the social structure of the Kola uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th centuries. This research in its base ...