Саами Кольского уезда в XVI−XVIII веках. Модель социальной структуры
The Kola uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th centuries:
Model of the social structure.
The target of this research is to reconstruct the social structure of the Kola
uezd Sámi in 16th – 18th centuries. This research in its base contains the
systems approach and is interdisciplinary. The specified target is
ethnological and it determines the circle of questions that the source give
answers to. The sources, on the other hand, are historical and often contain
mass material. Thus, the methods of working with the sources are closer to
the quantitative methods of social history and historical demography. In
order to correctly understand the “answers of the sources” and in order to
process them, we have also used methods of the source criticism and
historical anthropology. The work with the spatial reflection of the model
was based on the methods of historical geography. The “source answers”
that were obtained as the result have been interpreted using ethnological
and sociological methods as was needed. The general method of the whole
research was modeling.
The first chapter entitled “The Sources” contains information about
the sources used and the methods of their processing. It examined the state
of the source base, analyzed the typology of the sources and their
informational content. Different censuses were used as the main sources.
Thus the chapter describes in detail all the census of the Kola uezd in the
pertaining period.
The second chapter entitled “The Methods and Procedures” offers
methods of building a model on the basis of empiric material extracted
from the sources available: a complicated, open dynamic system and its
social structure as the subsystem. The building material for the model was
information, which was processed using mathematical logic. The set lies in
the base of any system description. Thus it was suggested to regard the
Kola uezd Sámi society as a dynamic set that possesses inside structure. As
a matter of fact this inside structure constitutes the social Sámi groups of
this study. The types of these institutes have been examined as the subset.
A base containing 6627 records containing personal information has been
created in order to process the information.
As the main method of modeling the censuses were used as the
average crossection of the society. The creation of these links between the
“crossections” (the censuses information) is, in fact, the modeling of the dynamic. The content of this procedure consists of uniting the information
from different sources into a model. It implies identification of the information
about objects/phenomenon contained in different volumes. This
specific procedure is the technological backbone of the whole research.
We offered identification techniques for three types of objects/phenomenon:
people, geographical objects and groups. As a result of this work,
out of 4502 records of male fixed in siidas that were recorded in the
censuses in the period from 1678 to 1763, 2133 male fixed in siidas were
traced. The placenames that were mentioned in our sources were identified
with geographical objects and depicted on the map using GIS. As a result
of the conducted procedure of graphical identification 327 objects have
been presented. In the book practically all groups of Sámi in the 16th – 17th
cc. that were mentioned in the sources have been identified. Since these
groups in the sources were connected to certain geographical objects, it
was possible to map their areas.
In the chapters described a cognitive model has been developed. The
third chapter, entitled “The Social Structure” was devoted to filling this
model with empiric material and thus creating a substantial model. This
chapter examines the main researched elements of the Sámi society: siida,
patriline, family unit and vezha. The examined elements were presented in
dynamic form and in view of the regional specifics. On the basis of these
materials the dynamic of the population numbers of the Kola uezd Sámi in
the researched period has been researched. This allowed to make a range
of conclusions about the social processes.
The allocation of the Sámi groups and their areas have mostly
remained unchanged throughout the time period in question. It leads to the
conclusion about the existence of a system of allocation of the siida. Siida,
nominated as the “pogost”, was a very stable institute. The documented
length of the existence of some these social units are more than 400 years.
In the time period in question Sámi did not tie the origin of the siida with
certain people. Siida was a unity of people connected with the area of their
habitat. During this whole period the taxation policy influenced the
strengthening of the role of those siida who acted as the group subject to
The male population of the siida was quite stable. From generation
to generation most of the men mostly remained in the same siida. The
social importance of the patriline at the time in question was expressed in
the performance of land inheritance functions in certain areas. In the Sámi
society the dominating tendency was for the newlyweds to settle in the
siida of the husband, but separately from the parents. Most of the family
units, in their composition, were similar to the nuclear family. Family units were not just groups of close relatives, but a minimal social-economic
elements, that could be temporary.
Personal composition of the vezha, dwelling site did not form
according to the patrilineal principal. It included family units created by
representatives of different patrilines. In most siida vezha was not a stable
social element. As a result of the tax reform of 1678/79 vezha was set
equal to the Russian dvor (house with household) and became subject to
taxation. This led to further decrease of importance of the vezha collective
Thus we see that the model of the social structure was created, and
the goal set before the research was reached. Such factors as stability of the
vezha composition and the size of the family unit together can be interpreted
as indirect evidence of economic specialization. This analytical
method in combination with the dynamics research of the population size
made it possible to make hypothesis about social transformations of the
Sámi society during the time in question. The construction of such
hypothesis is evident of that our model can answer the questions outside of
the basic empiric material. It points to the multipurpose quality of the
methods used.
Данная монография является расширенным изложением канди-датской диссертации, защищенной в 2007 году. Основная тема книги — реконструкция социальной структуры саами Кольского уезда в XVI−XVIII веках. Для решения поставленной задачи автором был использован системный анализ.
Многие архивные материалы, касающиеся саами Кольского уезда, впервые вводятся в научный оборот. Автор предлагает оригиналь-ную методику анализа собранного материала, основанную на меж-дисциплинарном подходе и применении современных информа-ционных технологий.
Специфика подхода М.Г. Кучинского состоит и в том, что в основе исследования лежит история конкретных людей. В результате, эта книга рассказывает не только об абстрактных социальных структурах, но и о прямых предках современных саами.