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dc.contributor.authorJuuso, Iina-Marja
dc.description.abstractDát masterdutkamušas čielggada maid Suoma sámiid ruovttuguovllu álgooahpahusa sámegielat oahpaheaddjit jurddašit diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija geavaheamis oahpahusas ja mo sii árvvoštallet iežaset digitála gelbbolašvuođaset. Dasa lassin dutkamuš buktá ovdan mot oahpaheaddjit vásihedje sirdáseami gáiddusoahpahussii Covid19-epidemiija geažil. Dutkanmateriála čoggui elektrovnnalaš jearahallanskoviin (N=6). Jearahallanskovis ledje guovttelágan vástádusvuogit: vuosttažin oahpaheaddjit válljejedje gárvves skálas molssaevttolaš vástádusa mii govvii sin dili buoremusat ja dasto sii čálle oaiviliid rabas vástádusbáikái. Go vástádusat ledje unnán, de dát kompenserejuvvui dainna ahte oahpaheddjiid kvalitatiivvalaš čállosat bukte čiekŋaleappot dieđuid oahpaheddjiid jurdagiin diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija oahpahusgeavaheami birra. Dutkanmateriála analyserejuvvui teoriijastivrejeaddji sisdoalloanalyseremiin, mii vuođđuduvvá Mishra ja Koehlera (2009) teknologalaš pedagogalaš sisdoallodiehtomállii (TPACK). TPACK-málle dahká vejolažžan reflekteret oahpaheaddji digitálalaš gelbbolašvuođa ja dasa lassin ovddidit oahpahusa mii váldá digitála reaidduid ja birrasiid buoremus vugiin vuhtii. Bohtosat čájehit, ahte oahpaheaddjit geavahit unnán diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija sámegielat álgooahpahusas. Dát boahtá bohtosiid vuođul das ahte oahpaheaddjit eai dovdda nu bures digitálačovdosiid mat heivešedje sámegielat oahpahussii. Oahpahusas leat eanáš geavahusas digitálalaš rusttegiin dihtorat. Dasa lassin oahpaheaddjit almmuhit ahte gártet geavahit máŋgii suomagielat digitálačovdosiid, go sámegillii leat unnán gávdnomis heivehusat, maid sáhtášii geavahit sámegielat álgooahpahusas. Dutkamuša vuođul lea dárbu fállat dievasmahttinskuvlejumi oahpaheddjiide diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija 2 geavaheamis oahpahusas. Dasa lassin lea dárbu buvttadit lasi digitála čovdosiid sámegielat vuođđooahpahusa várás.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis master’s thesis clears out what Finnish Sami primary school teachers thinks about information and communication technology use in teaching and how they assess their own digital competence. In addition, research shows how teachers experienced the transition to distance learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The research material was collected through electronic surveys (N06). The surveys provide two different answers: Firstly, teachers chose answers from ready scales that fit best for their situation and secondly, wrote about their experiences in open scales. When there were few teachers participating, it was compensated with the teachers' quantitative written answers supplementing the research material. The research material was analyzed with theory-driven content analysis, which Mishra and Koehler (2009) created to describe fundamentally teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge model (TPACK). With the help of the TPACK model, it is possible to reflect the teacher’s digital pedagogical competence and develop teaching that makes the best possible use of learning environment and digital solutions. The results indicate that the teachers do not use largely information and communication technology in Sami language teaching. This may be because they are not familiar with the technology that can be used for the teaching in Sami language. Computers are the most widely used tools in teaching. In addition, teachers report that they must use digital tools in Finnish, as there are few tools to find in Sami language, which are used in primary school education. The study indicates need to give teachers inservice education in information and communication technology use in Sami teaching and create more solutions for primary school education.en_US
dc.publisherSámi allaskuvla / Sámi University of Applied Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectdiehto- ja gulahallanteknologalašmáhttuen_US
dc.subjectoahpaheddjiid gelbbolašvuohtaen_US
dc.subjectsámi pedagogihkkaen_US
dc.subjectprimary schoolen_US
dc.subjectinformation and communication technologyen_US
dc.subjectteacher’s competenceen_US
dc.subjectSaami pedagogyen_US
dc.title“Teknologiija lea lunddolaš oassin árgabeaivvis”: Sámegielat álgooahpahusa oahpaheddjiid jurdagat diehto- ja gulahallanteknologiija oahpahusgeavaheami birraen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280en_US

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