Diiddaid ja sátnevádjasiid geavaheapmi buolvvas bulvii: Muittuhussan mánáide, nuoraide ja rávisolbmuide
Dán masterbargu fáddá lea movt diiddaid ja sátnevádjasiid geavaheapmi lea leamaš ovdal, movt dat doaibma dál ja movt daid sáhtášii heivehit ja ođastit boahtteáiggi várás oahpahusas. Sámemánáid bajásgeassimis leat diiddat ja sátnevádjasat leamaš guovddážis, daid bokte leat mánáid hábmen olmmožin, eastadan mánáid mannamis sorbmái ja oahpahan mánáid šaddat iešbirgejeaddjin. Dutkamuša váldogažaldagat leat movt diiddaid ja sátnevádjasiid geavahemiin leat ávkkástallan ovdal, movt dál ávkkástallet daid ja movt daid sáhttá heivehit dálá sámi servodahkii, ja movt sáhttet diiddat ja sátnevádjasat leat ávkin skuvllas. Váldoteoriijat dán barggus leat sámi árbevirolaš máhttu, sámi oahppanoaidnu, ja sosiokultuvrralaš teoriija. Masterbarggu dutkanmetoda lea narratiiva metoda ja ságastallamii oassálaste ovcci diehtoaddi: vuorrasit olbmot, váhnemat ja oahpaheaddjit. Sámemánáid bajásgeassimis leat sihke ovdal ja dál diiddat ja sátnevádjasat anus ja ávkin, muhto eallinvuogi rievdama dihte šaddá heivehit ja ođastit daid vuoi heivejit dálá sámi servodahkii. Skuvllas lea dárbbašlaš heivehit diiddaid ja sátnevádjasiid vuoi fátmmasta buot ohppiid. The theme of this master’s these is how the use of diida (superstition) and proverbs/sayings have been in the past, how they are used now and how one could adapt and renew them for educational purposes in the future in teaching. The use of diida and proverbs has been central in sámi child rearing, through them they have shaped children into adults, preventing children from getting into danger and taught children to become independent. The main question is how the use of diida and proverbs was of use before, how the use of diida and proverbs are of use in today’s society, and how the use of diida and proverbs could it be of use in an educational context. Main theories in the thesis are sámi traditional knowledge, sámi learned perspective, and sociocultural theory. The research method of the master’s thesis is narrative method and we had nine informants who participated, elders, parents and teachers. Diida and proverbs have been useful and in use in sámi child rearing, but because of change in way of life one has to adapt and renew them, so they fit today’s sámi society. In school it’s custom to adapt diida and proverbs, so that they include all students.