Browsing Brage by Title
Now showing items 33-52 of 82
Journalism and Colonialism in the Deatnu River Case : A study of Sámi viewpoints
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Kárášjoga badjesuopmana fonologiija
(Master thesis, 2013) -
Lappekodisillen i nord 1751-1859: Fra grenseavtale og sikring av samenes rettigheter til grensesperring og samisk ulykke
(DIEĐUT;3/2008, Doctoral thesis, 2006)Lappekodisilla davvin 1751−1859. Rádjášiehtadusas ja sámiid vuoigatvuođaid sihkkarastimis ráji giddemii ja sámiid lihkohisvuhtii. Stuorra oasit davviriikkaid stáhtain, ja Davvioarje-Ruoššas, ledje álgoálggus sámi ... -
Leavdnjavuona identitehta duddjon: mearrasámi gávtti ealáskahttima guorahallan
(Master thesis, 2017) -
Luohti ja dálá sámemusihkka
(Others, 2012) -
Mot láidestit mánáid sámi árbevieruide sámi mánáidgirjjálašvuođa bokte
(Master thesis, 2020)Dán masterbarggu fáddá leat sámi árbevierut ja sámi mánáidčáppagirjjálašvuohta. Dutkančuolbma lea mo sámi čáppagirjjálašvuohta sámi mánáide sáhttá ovddidit sámi árbevieruid, ja jearaldat lea ahte ohppet go oahppit sámi ... -
Mus lea ollu muitalit, muhto dus nu unnán áigi : Life-stories told by elder Sámi women - A critical social analysis
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis is about women’s untold lifestories. Told by elder Sámi women who lived in two different countries, the Norwegian- and Finnish side of Sápmi. For more than twenty years ago I conducted twenty-seven elder women ... -
Namat dan nammii
(DIEĐUT;1/2008, Doctoral thesis, 2012-07-09)This doctoral dissertation is a multidisciplinary study of the treatment of Sáminomenclature in official use and of the creation by political means of Norwegianplacenames in indigenous Sámi areas up to the end of the ... -
Navn på minoritetsspråk i muntlige og skriftlige sammenhenger
(Dieđut, Book, 2021)The year 2019 was chosen by The United Nations as the International Year of Indigenous Languages, and the 49th NORNA symposium was one of the Sami events of that year. It was the first time in NORNA’s history that Sami had ... -
Negative discourse in social medias : An analysis of hate speech in the Saami context
(Master thesis, 2018)There has been a growth of hate speech on social media in general, and this issue requires further research. This paper aims to deconstruct some of the hate speech mechanisms on social media in the context of Norway and ... -
Negotiating Culture on the Visual Front: An analysis on the cover photographs of Sámi youth magazines
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis examines how the cover photographs of Sámi youth magazines depict contemporary Sámi culture. The empirical data consists of the sixty-nine covers of Š magazine, from 2000 to 2015, and twenty-nine covers of ... -
Njealji jahkodaga ivnniid transformašuvdna
(Master thesis, 2015) -
Nuohttái vuolgit: Láhpoluobbala guovllu várpenamaid guorahallan syntávssalaš-semantihkalaš geahččanguovllus
(Master thesis, 2022)Dán masterdutkamušas lean guorahallan Láhpoluobbala guovllu várpenamaid syntávssalaš-semantihkalaš analysamálle mielde. Lean jearahallan informánttaid, ja olles dutkamuš vuođđuduvvá informánttaid dieđuide. Dutkanmateriálas ... -
Oainnáhallat, borahallojuvvot, njuovahallat, kidnappehallat... : Dutkamuš -hallat-passiivvas
(Master thesis, 2022)Davvisámegielas leat iešguđetlágan passiivašlájat. Okta dain passiivašlájain lea passiiva mas lea -hallat-suorggis (gohčoduvvo adversatiiva passiivan). Dan passiivvas (mun gohčodan dan -hallat-passiivan dán čállosis) lea ... -
Oasážat doložis ođđa hámis: Njálmmálaš árbevierru digitála oahpponeavvuin
(Master thesis, 2021)Dan masterbarggus guorahalan mo njalmmalaš arbevieru fatmmastit digitala oahpponeavvuin. Dutkanbohtosiid lean hahkan ovtta sami nuoraidskuvllas gos majoritehtagiella lea samegiella, ja lean jearahallan arbeguoddi Halden ... -
Ohcejoga ja Deanu gielddaid skuvla- ja mánáidgárdeovttasbarggu dálá dilli ja hástalusat
(Čielggadeapmi;1/2011, Research report, 2011-03-23)Ohcejoga ja Deanu gielddaid skuvla- ja mánáidgárdeovttasbarggu dálá dilli ja hástalusat Čielggadeapmi lea oassi Ohcejoga gieldda, Deanu gieldda ja Deanu giellagátti prošeavttas “OVTTAS! Sámi giella-, skuvla- ja ... -
Ohppojuvvon ja sohppojuvvon giella
(Dieđut;1/2016, Book, 2017) -
På andres premisser : Taus, usynlig eller i konfrontasjon : En analyse av sørsamisk offentlig samtale
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven ser på sørsamisk offentlig samtale. Finnes en slik offentlighet? Om det gjør det, hvordan er den og hvilken rolle har mediene i den? Ved hjelp av kvalitative intervjuer av ledere i det sørsamiske ...